
The “Parousia” of Christ

Revelation 1:7

The “Parousia” of Christ | Tracy White

For Questions or Accolades about this study:
Tracy White | 615-799-8417 |

The Parousia of Jesus Christ in the New Testament has been presented by most English translations as a reference to the second coming or advent of Jesus. However, Greek-English Interlinear works, including other literal translation efforts, more commonly replace the Greek nown, parousia, with the English term, presence. The outcome of this seemingly small change is drastic and dramatic. Christ is revealed as much closer than generally perceived, having received the right-hand seat of authority in heaven where He reigns Sovereign over all things in heaven and on earth. This series will re-examine many texts of the Greek New Testament in light of their original source in the Hebrew Old Testament. The end result will be a fresh reading of the several texts discussing the parousia of Jesus Christ, revealing Him as the present and active King of kings and Lord of lords.