It happened for a reason...

It Happened There for a Reason…

Stories, Characters, and Locations from the Bible are recorded for a reason.

It Happened There for a Reason Series
Tracy White

For Questions or Accolades about this study:
Tracy White | 615-799-8417 |

I apologize every lesson in this series was not recorded. This class originated when our evangelist of 30 years was having health issues and fill-ins were required. With that said, it became obvious at some point that these lessons needed to be recorded for the enjoyment of other Bible story lovers. We hope you enjoy.

Looking back over lessons not recorded, each listener would benefit from looking in a map for The Ridge Route, a travelers path through the mountains of Judea which avoided the pillagers along the Great International Route. This was the route God commanded Abraham to sojourn in order to show him the promised land. Special events throughout Abraham’s life are marked with an altar erected to the Lord. These altars would serve for centuries as a great echo from the mountain range of the one true and living God. But many other significant events also occurred in this land, and they happened for a reason…