
Duration of the Miraculous

Duration of the Miraculous | Tracy White

For Questions or Accolades about this study:
Tracy White | 615-799-8417 |

This study breaks down Old Testament and New Testament passages to prove the Miraculous had a very specific duration.  Joel 2:28-32 connects the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in AD 30, with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70; a forty-year period of time when God showed miracles to the infant church and then destroyed unbelieving Judaism. 

The same occurred upon the infant nation of Israel.  After crossing the Red sea and rejecting the promised land, God led the unbelieving children of Israel around the Sinai Peninsula for forty years.  During this time, while God waited for that generation to perish, He confirmed Himself as God to His people by providing miraculously for the wandering Israelites.

During the forty years between AD 30 – AD 70, God once again provided miracles.  The purpose of the miraculous this time was to sustain the infant church against Jewish persecution, to confirm the words spoken by the apostles, and to confirm who the true people of God really were – disciples of Christ, Christians.  The Jews rejected Jesus; they had him crucified on a cross because he blasphemed Himself to be God.  Yet, when the temple fell in AD 70, Judaism was proven to be a Godless religion – a dead corpse removed from the face of the land. 

The church, however, was securely established; the written word was complete and required no further confirmation; Jesus was revealed officially and forever as the true God of heaven and earth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  For all these reasons, Christians since AD 70 no longer needed the miraculous for sustenance or confirmation; we have a King, and the church is His bride, married to the Lamb.